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- /* MesaDrawingArea.c -- Implementation file for the Mesa widget
- Copyright (C) 1995, 1996 Thorsten.Ohl @ Physik.TH-Darmstadt.de
- This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
- License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
- version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU Library General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
- License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- $Id: MesaDrawingArea.c,v 1.20 1996/09/30 00:21:07 ohl Exp $
- */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <X11/IntrinsicP.h>
- #include <X11/StringDefs.h>
- #include <X11/Shell.h>
- #ifdef __GLX_MOTIF
- #include <GL/MesaMDrawingAreaP.h>
- #else
- #include <GL/MesaDrawingAreaP.h>
- #endif
- #ifndef GLwDebug
- #define GLwDebug(w) 0
- #endif
- #ifdef __GLX_MOTIF
- #define GLwDrawingAreaWidget GLwMDrawingAreaWidget
- #define GLwDrawingAreaClassRec GLwMDrawingAreaClassRec
- #define GLwDrawingAreaRec GLwMDrawingAreaRec
- #define glwDrawingAreaClassRec glwMDrawingAreaClassRec
- #define glwDrawingAreaWidgetClass glwMDrawingAreaWidgetClass
- #define MesaDrawingAreaWidget MesaMDrawingAreaWidget
- #define MesaDrawingAreaClassRec MesaMDrawingAreaClassRec
- #define MesaDrawingAreaRec MesaMDrawingAreaRec
- #define mesaDrawingAreaClassRec mesaMDrawingAreaClassRec
- #define mesaDrawingAreaWidgetClass mesaMDrawingAreaWidgetClass
- #endif
- /* Resources. */
- #define offset(_field) XtOffsetOf(MesaDrawingAreaRec, mesaDrawingArea._field)
- static XtResource resources[] =
- {
- /* name, class, type, size,
- offset, default_type, default_addr */
- {GLwNximage, GLwCXImage, XtRBoolean, sizeof (Boolean),
- offset (ximage), XtRBoolean, (caddr_t) False},
- {GLwNshareLists, GLwCShareLists, XtRBoolean, sizeof (Boolean),
- offset (share_lists), XtRBoolean, (caddr_t) False},
- {GLwNshareListsWith, GLwCShareListsWith, XtRWidget, sizeof (Widget),
- offset (share_lists_with), XtRWidget, NULL},
- };
- #undef offset
- /* Basic widget methods. */
- /* Initialize this widget class. Currently we just clear the pointer
- to the widget we're sharing lists with. */
- static void
- ClassInitialize (void)
- {
- MesaListsRoot = NULL;
- }
- /* Initialize a widget instance. */
- static void
- Initialize (Widget request, Widget new, ArgList args, Cardinal * num_args)
- {
- LOG (new);
- }
- static void
- Realize (Widget w, XtValueMask *mask,
- XSetWindowAttributes *attr)
- {
- XMesaContext share_lists_with;
- LOG (w);
- /* Trying to outsmart ourselves with the cute looking
- `(XtSuperclass (w)->core_class.realize) (w, mask, attr);'
- is a BAD idea, because it will lead to infinite recursion if a
- subclass has the same idea ... */
- (glwDrawingAreaClassRec.core_class.realize) (w, mask, attr);
- if (MesaShareLists (w) && (MesaListsRoot != NULL))
- {
- if (GLwDebug(w))
- fprintf (stderr, "sharing lists with %p...\n", MesaListsRoot);
- share_lists_with = MesaContext (MesaListsRoot);
- }
- else
- {
- if (GLwDebug(w))
- fprintf (stderr, "not sharing lists...\n");
- share_lists_with = NULL;
- }
- /* Attach a Mesa rendering context to the window */
- MesaVisual (w) =
- XMesaCreateVisual (XtDisplay (w),
- ((MesaDrawingAreaWidget)w)->glwDrawingArea.visualInfo,
- (GLboolean) MesaRGBA (w),
- (MesaAlphaSize(w) > 0) ? GL_TRUE : GL_FALSE,
- (GLboolean) MesaDoublebuffer (w),
- (GLboolean) MesaXImage (w),
- MesaDepthSize(w),
- MesaStencilSize(w),
- MesaAccumRedSize(w),
- (GLint) 0 /* level */);
- if (!MesaVisual (w))
- {
- printf ("Couldn't create Mesa/X visual!\n");
- exit (1);
- }
- MesaContext (w) = XMesaCreateContext (MesaVisual (w), share_lists_with);
- if (!MesaContext (w))
- {
- printf ("Couldn't create Mesa/X context!\n");
- exit (1);
- }
- if (MesaShareLists (w) && (MesaListsRoot == NULL))
- {
- if (GLwDebug(w))
- fprintf (stderr, "installing %p as MesaListsRoot...\n", w);
- MesaListsRoot = w;
- }
- glXMakeCurrent (XtDisplay (w), XtWindow (w), MesaContext (w));
- #else
- MesaBuffer (w) = XMesaCreateWindowBuffer (MesaVisual (w), XtWindow (w));
- if (!MesaBuffer (w))
- {
- printf ("Couldn't create Mesa/X buffer!\n");
- exit (1);
- }
- XMesaMakeCurrent (MesaContext (w), MesaBuffer (w));
- #endif
- if (GLwDebug(w))
- fprintf (stderr, "finished with Realize() of %p.\n", w);
- }
- static void
- Destroy (Widget w)
- {
- LOG (w);
- XMesaDestroyContext (MesaContext (w));
- MesaContext (w) = NULL;
- XMesaDestroyVisual (MesaVisual (w));
- MesaVisual (w) = NULL;
- #else
- XMesaDestroyBuffer (MesaBuffer (w));
- MesaBuffer (w) = NULL;
- XMesaDestroyContext (MesaContext (w));
- MesaContext (w) = NULL;
- XMesaDestroyVisual (MesaVisual (w));
- MesaVisual (w) = NULL;
- #endif
- }
- /* Resizing the widget can be done by adjusting the viewport.
- However, we must make sure that the correct XMesaContext is
- active. It is also just common courtesy for an event handler
- to restore the old XMesaContext afterwards. */
- static void
- Resize (Widget w)
- {
- LOG (w);
- /* Ignore while there is no Mesa context. */
- if (XtIsRealized (w) && MesaContext (w))
- {
- GLXDrawable drawable = glXGetCurrentDrawable ();
- GLXContext context = glXGetCurrentContext ();
- glXMakeCurrent (XtDisplay (w), XtWindow (w), MesaContext (w));
- glViewport (0, 0, w->core.width, w->core.height);
- glXMakeCurrent (XtDisplay (w), drawable, context);
- #else
- XMesaBuffer buffer = XMesaGetCurrentBuffer ();
- XMesaContext context = XMesaGetCurrentContext ();
- XMesaMakeCurrent (MesaContext (w), MesaBuffer (w));
- glViewport (0, 0, w->core.width, w->core.height);
- XMesaMakeCurrent (context, buffer);
- #endif
- }
- /* Call our superclass' Resize method. */
- (glwDrawingAreaClassRec.core_class.resize) (w);
- }
- /* Now use all these methods in the widget class record. */
- MesaDrawingAreaClassRec mesaDrawingAreaClassRec =
- {
- {
- /* superclass */ (WidgetClass) &glwDrawingAreaClassRec,
- #ifdef __GLX_MOTIF
- /* class_name */ "MesaMDrawingArea",
- #else
- /* class_name */ "MesaDrawingArea",
- #endif
- /* widget_size */ sizeof (MesaDrawingAreaRec),
- /* class_initialize */ ClassInitialize,
- /* class_part_initialize */ NULL,
- /* class_inited */ FALSE,
- /* initialize */ Initialize,
- /* initialize_hook */ NULL,
- /* realize */ Realize,
- /* actions */ NULL,
- /* num_actions */ 0,
- /* resources */ resources,
- /* num_resources */ XtNumber (resources),
- /* xrm_class */ NULLQUARK,
- /* compress_motion */ TRUE,
- /* compress_exposure */ TRUE,
- /* compress_enterleave */ TRUE,
- /* visible_interest */ FALSE,
- /* destroy */ Destroy,
- /* resize */ (XtWidgetProc) Resize,
- /* expose */ XtInheritExpose,
- /* set_values */ NULL,
- /* set_values_hook */ NULL,
- /* set_values_almost */ XtInheritSetValuesAlmost,
- /* get_values_hook */ NULL,
- /* accept_focus */ NULL,
- /* version */ XtVersion,
- /* callback_private */ NULL,
- /* tm_table */ NULL,
- /* query_geometry */ XtInheritQueryGeometry,
- /* display_accelerator */ XtInheritDisplayAccelerator,
- /* extension */ NULL
- },
- #ifdef __GLX_MOTIF
- { /* XmPrimitive fields */
- /* border_highlight */ (XtWidgetProc) _XtInherit,
- /* border_unhighlight */ (XtWidgetProc) _XtInherit,
- /* translations */ XtInheritTranslations,
- /* arm_and_activate */ NULL,
- /* get_resources */ NULL,
- /* num get_resources */ 0,
- /* extension */ NULL,
- },
- #endif /* __GLX_MOTIF */
- { /* MesaDrawingArea fields*/
- /* RCS_id */
- "@(#) $Id: MesaDrawingArea.c,v 1.20 1996/09/30 00:21:07 ohl Exp $"
- }
- };
- WidgetClass mesaDrawingAreaWidgetClass
- = (WidgetClass) & mesaDrawingAreaClassRec;
- /* The End. */